Sample Webpage Designs - bk

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Sample Webpage Designs

All our webpages are "responsive webpages" ... it will respond to the proper unit you are using whether it's a full-sized laptop, full-sized desktop, tablet or smartphone.
... we also design logos, business cards & letterheads ... the logos depicted here are some off our sample creations ...
Publishing Company

Marketing & Promotion
Energy & Environment Websites ...

Marketing & Promotion
... with e-LAMP
Content Management System (CMS) Database
Energy & Environment Websites ...
... with e-LAMP
Content Management System (CMS) Database

Employment Agency
Travel & Tourism Membership
Employment Agency
... with e-LAMP
Content Management System (CMS) Database
Personal Webpages
Hobby Website

Art & Party Decoration Business
Systems Integrator Website

Cupcakes, Cookies, Brownies & more

Systems Integrator Website
... with e-LAMP
Content Management System (CMS) Database

Alexander Custom Guitars
Below are our religious and social club setups
Religious Organization
  Makati, Philippines
... with e-LAMP
Content Management System (CMS) Database

Social Club
... with e-LAMP
Content Management System (CMS) Database
Religious Organization
 Makati, Philippines
... with e-LAMP
Content Management System (CMS) Database
Below are our test setups. These e-LAMP Content Management System Databases have been up and running with no down time since early 2013.
Religious Organization
  North America
... with e-LAMP
Content Management System (CMS) Database

Fraternal Organization
... with e-LAMP
Content Management System (CMS) Database
Please note: the various text colours depicted here are for illustration purposes only and are not limited to the colours used here.  The client may choose other colours on their text items as they wish.
Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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